Part 1: Why Israel Matters 11.05.2023 Part 2: Israel Replaced? 11.12.2023 Part 3: End Times 11.19.2023
Sermon Category: Current Issues
Woke Jesus Series
Woke Jesus: The Dangers of Progressive Christianity Part 1: 10.10.2021 Part 2: 10.17.2021 Part 3: 10.24.2021 Part 4: 10.31.2021 Part 5: 11.07.2021 Part 6: 11.14.2021
Elijah Series
Part 1: 05.16.2021 Part 2: 05.23.2021 Part 3: 05.30.3021 Fifth Sunday Celebration Part 4: 06.06.2021 Part 5: 06.20.2021